Straight gay male porn stars named ben

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In his off-screen sex life, Ben is rumored to be a bottom who’s into voyeurism and guys with a Mediterranean look. You can find Ben in some truly explosive films in our theater, including the sex comedy The Intern, in which he has the starring role and the cute box cover photo.īen was born in Cleveland, Ohio in June 1985 and currently lives in New York City. Chad finally backed up the studio’s claim about Ben’s measurements after the two stars teamed up to promote their joint films Michael Lucas’ The Bigger The Better and Encounters 3: Flash Point. In 2006, Chad tried to start a fight with Ben over whose monster was bigger, though some fans have suggested it was all a publicity stunt. Well-hung, tall, good-looking Ben Andrews is an exciting top with an uncut cock that’s said to be 11 inches long and a staggering nine inches in circumference! His contract studio Lucas Entertainment claims that Ben’s is the biggest dick in gay porn, which angered fellow performer Chad Hunt, himself no slouch in the package department.

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